
exploring the moral, social, and spiritual gray areas of what makes us human

Politics, Relationships Andrew Currier Politics, Relationships Andrew Currier

Choosing Option C

Think of any hot button issue, and you'll hear essentially two sides. Abortion, LGBTQ+ rights, the economy, racism, you name it. As Americans, we tend to fall on either side of an issue. As I've gotten older, more involved in politics, and consumed more media, it's required me to reflect on how many of my views are my own. How have my beliefs been molded by my media consumption? Do I actually believe what I think I do?

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Politics, Race Andrew Currier Politics, Race Andrew Currier

Why the President’s Words Matter

Our words have power. We must recognize that what we say encourages the actions of others.

What happened yesterday shows us how powerful what comes out of our mouths can be. Months of lying and deceit around election rigging lead to terrorists (yes, white people can be terrorists too) attacking the Capitol building.

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Politics Andrew Currier Politics Andrew Currier

Why you should care about the CARES Act

Millions out of work, millions barely or unable to pay rent, millions struggling to get food on the table. Under normal circumstances, these are terrible issues. Add in a global pandemic, and you have the makings of a humanitarian crisis.

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